Trader's Guide for NetTradeX Windows Phone | IFCM UK
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Trader's Guide for NetTradeX Windows Phone

NetTradeX Windows Phone trading terminal provides an opportunity to trade financial instruments, set orders, make technical analysis of charts and manage the account.

You can download the terminal on your mobile device from the Microsoft Store. Enter IFC Markets Trade Terminal in the search box and install the application.

Connecting to Trading Account

When opening the application a window opens with trading server address and fields for entering the login and password of your account.

Opening an Account

By the "Register" function from the start menu a window opens, where you need to choose "Demo account" to set the parameters.

Opening Charts

You can open the chart of any instrument in two ways:


You can set indicators for technical analysis and edit them through "Indicators" button under the chart (3rd from the left):

Graphical Objects

You can set graphical objects for technical analysis and edit them by the "Graphical objects" button under the chart (4th from the left):

Opening Positions

You can open a position with any instrument in use by the following way:

List of Open Positions

You can see the list of open positions by the "Open positions" function from the start menu:

Closing Positions

You can close a position by choosing it in the "Open positions" table - a dialogue with the following functions will open:

Unlocking Positions

You can unlock positions, i.e. the aggregation of positions on the same instrument with different directions to get a single position with a new volume equal to the difference between the volumes of the positions (taking into account the direction). You can do it by the following way:

Setting Orders

You can set an order on any used instrument by the following ways:

List of Оrders

You can see the list of set orders by the "Orders" function from the start menu:

Deleting and Editing Orders

You may delete an order by clicking on the line of the particular instrument in the "Orders" window. The dialogue window with the following functions will open:

Instrument Browser

In the "Quotes" window you can see the quotes of the used instruments only. You can edit the used instruments, by deleting or adding new ones from the Instrument Browser. In addition, you can change the order of instruments in the list of the "Quotes" window.

Margin Analysis and Account History

By the "Margin analysis" function from the start menu the following window opens:

NetTradeX Windows Phone: Orders history

The "Orders" function in the main menu opens the "Orders" window with previously formed history or the "Orders history filters" window at the first history formation. With this filter you may set the three following date ranges:

Settings Windows Phone

By the "Settings" function from the start menu a window with a menu of various settings opens:

Account Properties

By the "Account properties" functions the following window opens:

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